The Koen Binnemans research group SOLVOMET is strongly embedded in the SIM² KU Leuven Research Institute. SIM² KU Leuven not only communicates its results to academia and industry but is also actively involved in interacting with society and popularising its results. As such, SIM² KU Leuven is active through social media, blogging, youtube videos, promo videos, Wikipedia page improvement, local stakeholder activities, open door days, children university programmes etc. SIM² KU Leuven also has a wide network amongst journalists and regularly contributes to documentaries, newspaper articles, magazine articles, radio interviews etc. Some examples are shown below.
In order to communicate the results of our projects to a diversity of professional audience (academia, RTDs, industry, policy makers etc.) the Binnemans team produces Newsletters which cover all key items in our running projects. As such the visibility of your project and the results obtained can be drastically enhanced, leading to a much larger impact than without such a strategy.
In terms of reaching EU and national Policy Makers, SOLVOMET and SIM² KU Leuven also have a lot of experience in developing Policy Briefs (either as separate files or integrated in the Newsletters) which highlight policy-relevant parts of the project. Once again, this can dramatically increase the impact of the project and/or open up new avenues for future research, innovation and demonstration.
During the past 5 years SOLVOMET and SIM² KU Leuven have been cooperating with diverse journalists and film makers (incl. Stijn Van Baarle, StoryRunner). Together we have developed both short animation videos, highlighting the goals & results of EU projects, as well as longer documentaries broadcasted by national television. In both cases these products target a non-professional, very wide audience.
The importance of this kind of outreach is being stressed more and more by the European Commission.
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